混沌时代开天辟地,行走武林侠义断肠,妖魔鬼怪曲径通幽,柴米油盐混吃等死。这些中国文化里独有的律动,怎样放到当代语境中表达?华尔街金钱堆砌出的EDM幻境,亚特兰大毒屋迸发出的TRAP低音,加勒比社区被点燃的GRIME节拍……这一切跟我们有怎样的关系?在与外界的进出之间,在自己的头脑与身体之间,存在着所有中国音乐人共同求索的终极命题。 Do Hits成立之初,便意在围聚周边志气相投的友人,尝试做些新鲜的东西。这张合辑《Do Hits Vol.1》是他们第一次涉足数字音乐发行,收录了5位本土音乐人的作品(虽然大家的名字都是英文):Howie Lee / Guzz / ZalivaD / SIG / Jason Hou 5首风格各异的作品,都是在向终极命题探索,用不同的神态讲着不同的故事,却都为我们每日之所见,每日之所在。 Do Hits是以本土音乐人为核心的电子音乐组织,于2011年成立。目前出品的内容涉及:现场演出、系列派对、在线电台、数字出版,旨在汇集中国电子音乐场景中的生鲜力量,制造真正的“Made in China”之声。
What is our own sound? For 4 years, Do Hits has been questioning themselves. We are not in Atlanta or East London, but what kind of groove can we generate in this cultural environment, and in this time? This is the question of all the Chinese musicians. Since the very beginning, Do Hits has been gathering talented local artists to do something new. Then here comes the compilation Do Hits Vol. 1, which is their first time setting foot in digital publishing. With many oriental vibes, the album includes works from 5 local producers: Howie Lee/Guzz/Zaliva-D/SIG/Jason Hou. With 5 tracks of excellence, they define their own sound in their own ways, telling their stories with their own music languages. Founded in 2011, Do Hits is an electronic music collective based on local musicians. Our products include live performance, series parties, producer salons, online radio, digital publishing. We aim at accumulating the new forces in local electronic music scene, and producing the real sound "Made in China ". credits released 08 June 2015 tags tags: china electronic bass music Beijing