There was a time when I was known by all, Great and Powerful they said But now my name has been, Dashed against the wall
Tricks now seen as nothing but a sad hoax When will they see me again?
When I was magic, all was new Worlds were bright, and freedom true I was once a mare of fan-ta-sy No one judged me, no one saw, All they showed was stun and awe Why can't things be like they were before?
Cheering crowds, was what I knew, So much love and honor too, but the End came down with you!
Now my life is nothing short, Of a slow, but strong retort To regain the life you stole from me
My hatred grows, why can't you see? There is nothing left to be, when the world cries out your fallacy
A new ending I'll write to this story Of the one, the only Great and Powerful Trixie