All at once i saw you in a little Yurkish bar Discreetly I discovered you Across the samovar & What strange world revolves, I wondered, 'neath this gilded brow? & On what wings shall I explore its shining lands, and how? A thought flew through the mind, and nothing more But all at once, All at Once I saw you through the shyness that you wore All at Once, I saw you Like a ship, a ship that sees the shore
All at once I Saw you on a fiery hallowe'en The moon caused me to howl for you when I told it what I'd seen we sumoned up the spirits, I can't remember whose we poured them out upon the earth and raised them to the blues we sang into the night, our voices soared & all at once, all at once you flew into the vaccuum I abhorred all at once I saw you like the void the void that hears the word
Softly close your searching eyes, & I will stay with you awhile in lonesome black, & jealous green So many spend their lives unloved, unseen
all at once i saw you in the mirror of my skin its purpose, a perfect surface to reflect your body in the outline of your solitude, the colour of your heart no other mirror can describe your beauty's truest part