BUTTZ your butt annoys you BAHTS you sit on your butt BOWTS your butt is the top of your legs BOBCZ
you wouldn’t look right without your BUMBS you can’t get rid of your BHANTS you just wish it looked like a different butt you like this butt and this butt but not your butt y u do dis butt? y cant you be dis butt gotta make a new butt make your butt look like a different butt. A BETTER BOHT A BUZST BUAT A BAT TO END ALL BUNTS
you think about your butt and then you butt you dream about your butt and then you butt Source: LYBIO.net you eat and think about your butt you cri and think about your butt why must you defy me butt?? DAMN YOU BUTT!
you look at pictures of butts you try to get a buttspiration and asspiration for your butt your butt is sore from butting ouch my butt I CAN’T BUTT ANYMORE says your butt but you continue to push on and butt all you do is butt your butt will never be this butt you say, your butt aggress Owwwwww, says your butt but you butt some more butt still butting butt never stop butting just butt just butt just butt and then one day you say hey butt you’re looking like a much better butt! And your butt says thank you as you strut your butt and then you see more butts… I can never keep up with these butts! Just when I think my butt is a great butt alas, my butt is an average butt
(crying about your butt)
what do you do with your butt you think you turn around your butt, and learn to accept your butt love your butt it’s the only butt of its kind and in a million butt beautiful butt your butt, butt everybody love your butt tell your butt you love it no matter how it butts then all of our butts get together and butt one nation under butt we all join butts in a great circle of butts buttmerica buttworld butt universe
your butt is a buttspiration nourish your butt cherish your butt butt this message was brought to you by my butt my butt your mom’s butt what the fuck is wrong with me somebody halp.