In my dream, you are slippery My interest grows immediately You have seaweed between your fingers, lips and limbs
Amphibious, androgynous Amphibious Ninety-eight percent water
I try to write love songs But my words remain in my hands And my hands fall to the floor
Somewhere in the distance something hurts I dream i have a lover made out of twigs I snap his lips, snap his limbs when we kiss
Yes you're him
The way it goes This world is me
The dream doesn't fade, it keeps worrying me I try not to hurt you, but in my dream The twigs keep breaking
I touch so gently but they snap And when you open your mouth to speak, You make no sound Silently gobbling up black sap image:
In real life I haven't even seen you up close Only from below In the dream you are silent And i am (....)
I try to write love songs But with every word I can hear the twigs breaking Somewhere in the distance something hurts
The next day it is I who break It's a clear spring day And I fillled with sky Ninety-eight percent blue
A day i'll find myself downing black things: Coffee, raisins, raw chocolate
I can feel my bones Burn to coal My blood burns to oil
Black self, i'm becoming you.