绝对的完美一双手 jue dui de wan mei yi shuang shou A pair of perfect hands, 不流汗也不发抖 bu liu han ye bu fa dou Neither sweating nor trembling. 交叉在微笑的背后 jiao cha zai wei xiao de bei hou Criss-crossed behind a gentle smile, 暗藏危险的轮廓 an cang wei xian de lun kuo Is a hidden, dangerous personna.
在你最放松的时候 zai ni zui fang song de shi hou When you are most relaxed, 绝不带着任何感情 jue bu dai zhe ren he gan qing I would, without any feelings, 就下手从来不回头 jiu xia shou cong lai bu hui tou Do the deed, never looking back.
开始的感觉 kai shi de gan jue In the beginning, you will feel, 不会痛 不会痛 bu hui tong bu hui tong No pain, no pain at all. 放大的瞳孔 就像作梦 fang da de tong kong jiu xiang zuo meng Viewed through your enlarged pupils, it is just like a dream.
幸福的错觉 xing fu de cuo jue The false sense of happiness, 很温暖 很包容 hen wen nuan hen bao rong Is very warm, and very accomodating 也许还期待 ye xu hai qi dai Perhaps you are even looking forward to this.
这是致命的冲动 zhe shi zhi ming de chong dong This is a life-destroying impulse. 你不懂 我不懂 ni bu dong wo bu dong You do not know, nor do I, 究竟杀手为什么存在 jiu jing sha shou wei shen me cun zai The reason that killers exist. 因为爱 还是未知的未来 yin wei ai hai shi wei zhi de wei lai Because love, is an unknown future.
心情放松摇摆 xin qing fang song yao bai I feel relaxed, 在你三百米之外 zai ni san bai mi zhi wai When I'm more than 300m away from you.
N'ayez pas, n'ayez pas, n'ayez pas peur. (Do not be, do not be, do not be afraid.)
数着心跳等待 shu zhe xin tiao deng dai Counting my heartbeat, I wait, 所有念头全抛开 suo you nian tou quan pao kai Discarding all thoughts. 锁进来 进来 suo jing lai jing lai Locking in, in, 这美丽的悲哀 zhe mei li de bei ai This beautiful tragedy. 这是爱 就是爱 zhe shi ai jiu shi ai This is love, this must be love, 全世界都不明白 quan shi jie dou bu ming bai But of the whole world no one else understands.
心情放松摇摆 xin qing fang song yao bai I feel relaxed, 在你三百米之外 zai ni san bai mi zhi wai When I'm more than 300m away from you.
Qu'est-ce que c'est? C'est la vie, c'est la mort (What is this? This is life, and this is death.)
感觉饥饿难耐 gan jue ji e nan nai I feel an unbearable hunger; 需要你填满空白 xu yao ni tian man kong bai I need you to fill the emptiness in me. 锁进来 进来 suo jing lai jing lai Locking in, in, 这美丽的悲哀 zhe mei li de bei ai This beautiful tragedy.