Era meglio quando il sole non riscaldava, e ascoltavamo i Frammenti prima di dormire. Era un po' meglio d'estate, lasciare finestre aperte, entrare in fabbriche abbandonate e non lasciare impronte. Quando parlavamo in prima persona plurale, trovando una seconda persona per ogni testo e canzone. Quando alle quattro di mattina a Lugano cercavamo una stazione, ma abbiamo trovato il profumo del pane. Era meglio perdersi in macchina, trovare traffico, tornare tardi, ma tornare sempre. Iniziare tutti i libri che abbiamo in casa e finire soltanto quelli che siamo obbligati a leggere. Cercare risposte nei film di cui dimentichiamo le trame. Era meglio telefonarti ogni giorno tornando da scuola, viaggiare da soli, aspettarti per ore, cercando risposte. Era meglio senza inquinamento, meglio lontani da qui. E sarebbe stato meglio saltare qualche verso. Sarebbe stato meglio non urlare così tanto. Sarebbe stato meglio non urlare affatto, ma non dipende da me.
It was better when the sun was not warming and we used to listen to Frammenti before sleeping. It was a bit better in summer, keeping windows open, getting into abandoned factories without leaving any traces. When we used to speak in first person plural finding a second person for every lyric and song. When at 4 in the morning in Lugano we were searching for a train station, but we found the smell of fresh bread instead. It was better to get lost by car, to find traffic, to get home late, but to always get home. To begin all of the books we have at home and to finish only the ones we're forced to read. Seeking for answers in movies we forget the plots of. It was better to call you every day while coming home from school, to travel alone, to wait for you for hours, seeking for answers. It was better without pollution, better far away from here. And it would have been better to skip some lines. It would have been better not to scream so loud. It would have been better not to scream at all, but it's not up to me.