Why waste time trying to write lies, if you saw my failings, you'd know what I'm like. A glassjaw rookie, a pretender of grace, If I draw it in dull paints, does it mean I'm ashamed.
I, let you put faith in a heart that's not even mine, Still I create a thousand more every time, Slowly I'm getting married to a lonelier me, whatever she's taking, I'll take it in threes. I could have the proudest face, you've ever seen, but tomorrow I'm shaking, from my head to my feet.
I, let you put faith in a heart that's not even mine maybe someday I'll be grateful that you tried. With a million different paints, I draw birds in the trees, an watch them question their belief in this place. If I am what I say, then I wouldn't have to drink, just to help me believe I'm okay.