Kitty this is the part where you need to just shut your mouth kitty You're being stupid kitty Shut your mouth...
I was heading to my school when I saw a kitty She didn't hesitate she came right to me. I said kitty, what on Earth are you doing? She said Joseph, I'm just chillin'
Out of nowhere she hit me with a head butt It sent me flying, but never did I think to give up I'm in charge around these parts kitty She replied yes and it's not okay with me
[Chorus:] You're a kitty, now kitty take a seat, You're causing too much raucous, that's not okay with me I know that you love me and it's me that you're perusing, but kitty what on Earth are you doing?
Five years later the kitty had become my pet Head butting everyone, she was a threat I said kitty you're mental and a dangerous animal She said shut up, don't mention my name in your tweets mate
I said kitty you can't be saying this kitty, you're mental, you're like stormzy kitty This angered the kitty, my confidence was growing But then she ran away Kitty where are you going?
After weeks of searching I came across a clue A pigeon was hanging about and not one that I knew I went and saw the pigeon and it seemed very tense I say gwaa gwaa pigeon But then up on the fence Oh no, it's kitty Finally you're back Then she made her way to the pigeon But she did not go to attack They started kissing, clearly they are in love Now who is that pigeon? That pigeon is my mum