Impersonation of David Tennant when they discovered Jack Harkness was the Face of Boe.
John Barrowman doing an impersonation of David Tennant when they discovered Jack Harkness was the Face of Boe.
*knock-knock-knock* JB: What is going on? *knock-knock-knock* DT: John! John! YOU NOT GONNA BELI-I-IEVE IT! A-A-A-A-A! JB: David, are you ok? DT: A-A-A-A-A-A! A-A-A! Do you want to know what happends?! JB: NO! SPOILER!
<So I left it. Next day he comes after to me: "If you read it? Id you read it? If you read it yet? If you read it yet?" I'm not read it yet, I had no time. Next day I'm like this:>
*knock-knock-knock* <I can hear "What the hell is knocking"> *knock-knock-knock* JB: DAVID! OHMYGOD! I CAN"T BELIEVE IT! A-HA-HA-HA! YOU HATED ME, NOW YOU TALKING TO ME IN THE FUTURE AND I'M GIVING YOU ADVICE! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!