oh she'll take off the black dress and put on the green for she is foresaken and only 19 fa la la la la la la la la fa la la la la la for she is foresaken and only 19
oh he courted her and he kissed her and he made her heart warm and then when he left her he laughed her to scorn fa la la la la la la la la fa la la la la la and then when he left her he laughed her to scorn
foresaken foresaken her heart is forlorn but he is mistaken if he thinks she will mourn fa la la la la la la la la fa la la la la la but he is mistaken if he thinks she will mourn
for we'll build her a cabin on yon mountain high where the wild birds can't find her nor hear her heart cry fa la la la la la la la la fa la la la la la where the wild birds can't find her nor hear her heart cry
take warning take warning young ladies pray do for you are quite lucky that this is not you fa la la la la la la la la fa la la la la la for you are quite lucky that this is not you