Leroy the big-lipped nigger, had a very pushed in nose, and if you took his boots off, you would see eleven toes, all of the other negroes, used to laugh and call him "Bumbles" They wouldn't let poor Leroy, join in any negro rumbles
Then one balmy summer's eve, some dagos came to town, beatin' up polacks, beatin' up niggers, spreadin' their grease all around,
Leroy the big-lipped nigger, was polishing his Cadillac car, a little grease spattered on his windshield, he said "You G's have gone too fucking far"
Two little ginny's hit the ground, the others turned and ran, but there stood Leroy, wiggling his lips, with a shotgun in his hands,
Leroy the big-lipped nigger, is now doing ten to fifteen years, but you know what's even worse than that? His cellmates a polack with great big ears!