دوّر بقلوب الناس Search in people hearts عَ قلب ما خانو الهوى For a heart that hadn't been betrayed by love عَ قلب ما بعمرو انكوى For a heart that hadn't ever been burned بتلاقي الماضي اللّي انطوى You will only find the the collapsed past مين قلّك رح نرجع سوا Who told you, we will back together? مين قلّك رح نرجع سوا Who told you we will back together? موهوم you are delusional عاش الجرح بالرّوح The wound has lived inside my soul وعاش القلب مجروح And my heart has lived wounded ووعود تمحي وعود Promises have been erased( forgotten) and back again وإنت ما كنت تعود But you've never been coming back قلبي صرخ ملّيت My heart cried( shouted) I had enough مشيت بدرب مجهول I walked an unknown road قلت الجرح مقبول I said, the wound was accepted راجع بقلبي تعيش You coming to live in my heart back again? مات القلب لتعيش My heart is so dead for you to live شو عملت ما حسّيت What have you done, didn't u feel it? ما تقلّي ضاعوا النّاس Don't tell me people were lost اللّي ضاع ضاع من الأسى That what was lost, was lost because of sorrow اللّي كان بالماضي انتسى all the past has been forgotten دمعة ما تجرّب تلمسا a tear try not to touch لا نهار باقي ولا مسا No morning left nor evening لا نهار باقي ولا مسا No morning left nor evening ولا غيوم Nor clouds( were left) *** Dawer b 2loub l nas 3a alb ma 5anou l hawa, 3a alb ma b3omrou nkawa Betla2y l mady ly ntawa Min allek ra7 nerja3 sawa Min allek ra7 nerja3 sawa Mawhoum 3ash l jara7 bel rou7 W 3ash l alb majrou W3oud tem7i w3oud W iinta ma kent t3oud Albi sara5 maletttttttt!!! Mshiit bderb majhoul Alb l jara7 ma2boul Raje3 b2alby ta3eesh? Mat l alb lat3eesh Shou 3amilt ma 7aset Ma t2illy da3ou l nas Ly da3ou, da3ou men l assa Ly ken bel madi ntasa Dem3a ma tjareb telmasa La nhar ba2i wala masa La nhar ba