[Verse - Fubar] Welcome to the masquerade cover half my face with a mask before I blast away I'll throw a punch, so hard it'll crack your frame the impact will cause bulletproof glass to break I'll craft a blade able to open up your mind 'til you realize everything they show you is a lie population control, they're hoping that you die your soul is not yours, they sold it for a price I was dope from the moment I arrived focus on the lines that I wrote when I was five flow wasn't as tight, even then nothing but devotion on the mic always knowing I would shine every single time it's a thunderous verse it'll continue 'til I'm 6-feet under the dirt suffer the worst pain, brain will rupture and burst cease to exist the moment that I utter a word
[Verse - Kogeemo] As a sheep no more, As I sleep no more.. 狂ったポール・シフト/我侭のコンフリクト/ 正義と陰謀の抗争は絶頂/罪人は殺しあって絶叫/ルーラーは抱腹絶倒/ the 4 horsemen, 4 riders coming..クレイジーな現代病/地球を包む蕁麻疹/ バスソルト・イカレタ・マイアミゾンビ/ニッポンでもテメーのイチモツ喰わせて論議/ エログロが席巻する退廃世界/精神が如何に残虐であるか?を物語る下衆共で賑わい/ どの道所詮、人の所業/殺戮と破壊求めた衝動/始めた挙動不審の意は虚構/ 迷い込むダンジョンは暗い/街角の裏路地に魔法使い/偽善の面を被る詐欺師に狼狽/ 平和そうな家族・あくる日は殺人鬼/ニュースは毎日嘘を隠せなくなり陰気/ 多数決で勝った気になる、民主主義の引っ掛け/楽をしたいだけで無責任さのきっかけ/ そんなギロチンがふさわしい奴らへ/鋭い舌は容赦なしに突き刺していくのが最後の慰め/ You love sinners dinner.. death by guillotine..