Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier What is that? Whazat? (5x) HOLY BALLS
Who's a youtube star we all admire? A drunken miner who just retired To become a part time chef, plus a diver Hark the herald, it's Markiplier A friend of slender, and a star designer But he's not a doctor you'd want to hire A gravitational law-defier He raught a gosh darn shark to fly, word! Like a bird, he'll drop a sky turd Amnesia - he forgot a lighter Mark's a guy who's one tough survivor But he'll run and hide because he's not a fighter Who's your daddy? MARKIPLIER! An awesome father - not what I heard He met a hot ghost and tried to wife her Also, he's an awful biker Who likes to ride over sharpened items Not like it was hard to find 'em Sexy Mark can fill your heart's desires He'll pick up chicks and drop one-liners He's so hot, his hair could start a fire Don't be shoked if Mark is tired Like a guard who worked for five long all-nighters He's on the clock, someone start the timer Was that Foxy, hope he's not a biter Nevermind it was just DARKIPLIER Not gonna lie, it's hard to rhyme words When you got a name like MarkiPLIER His Draw My Life had us all inspired I teared up and I'm not a crier I would rather light my farts on fire Than ever stop whatching Markiplier That was wierd, I'm gonna stop right there I'll sing the chorus while i dye my hair
You've shoked, you've scared, you've surprised Just take us along for the ride When you laugh we laugh And we've cried with you When you crap your pants You know we do too You're the man who's leading All of us down a dangerous road Remember when you start screaming That you will never scream alone
Red light! Green light! (4x) Where'd he come from where'd he goooo Nope, nope,nope, oh I'm so boned!
Nothing wrong here, all fine and dandy I'M THE KING OF FIVE NIGHT AT FREDDY'S Also known as the King of the Squirrels And he's always smooth when he talks to girls \"Hey baby, just so you know All you gotta do is press B to blow\" Whatch your back for the crazed butt stabber I'm so brave! That doesn't matter! Punch 'em straight in the gabba gabba Gotta go fast, go faster faster! How did his feet get spun around backwards? Why is he covered in pancake batter? Stand up, put your hands up If you're a fan of staring at bananas Boo! Jumpscare galore Don't break your chair and end up on the floor
You do YOU And I'll do ME And we won't do each other Probably
Having fun? I was starting to Till it became a dick-punching party dude Hosted by the one and only Markimoo What'd you eat? That's a lot of poo
You've shoked, you've scared, you've surprised Just take us along for the ride When you laugh we laugh And we've cried with you When you crap your pants You know we do too You're the man who's leading All of us down a dangerous road Remember when you start screaming That you will never scream alone
Oh you're so weird You're-you're so weird (2x)
Here's a look, far from weird Pink mustache, zero beard See this man, you'r best steer clear Sources say he should be feared He don't take no shit from nobody And if you mess with him you're gonna get bloody Oh no he's dead Wilford Warfstache knows what's best Markiplier's kinda like slim shady He's got a lotta faces All of 'em are crazy They'll make you laugh They'll make you cry I will see you in the next video Bye-bye!
You've shoked, you've scared, you've surprised Just take us along for the ride When you laugh we laugh And we've cried with you When you crap your pants You know we do too You're the man who's leading All of us down a dangerous road Remember when you start screaming That you will never scream alone
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