Jellyfish Jellyfish Jellyfish Jellyfish Take some jelly, take some fish, look at that sandwich; de-lish. Just make sure that you don't eat a real jellyfish. OR YOU'LL DIE!!! Jellyfish Jellyfish Jellyfish Jellyfish Jellyfish Jellyfish Jellyfish Jellyfish This world is full of compound words. Speak slower bro, or you won't be heard. If you talk quick, you might sound slick, but I also might think that you just asked me to make you a real jellyfish sandwich. AND YOU'LL DIE! Jellyfish Jellyfish Jellyfish Jellyfish Hear the difference? Jellyfish Jellyfish It's subtle, but it could take your life Jellyfish Jellyfish Big Ol' nasty fish Jellyfish Jellyfish Jellyfish Jellyfish I made this for you