The beating of a million drums. The fire of a million guns. The mother of a million sons Сivilization
The beating of a million drums. The fire of a million guns. The mother of a million sons Сivilization
Lost in the silence, they bow to the call of the east. Tantalized and seduced by the demons released. Ears to the ground by the name of the merciless guide (sky). Onto the fire that burns in the all seeing eye.
The beating of a million drums. The fire of a million guns. The mother of a million sons Сivilization
The beating of a million drums. The fire of a million guns. The mother of a million sons Сivilization
Justice - Civilization [Adidas advert HQ AUDIO RIP ... Here is an audio RIP from the next Adidas advert! Justice - Civilization will be officially released ...
Civilization - Justice (Adidas Commercial) ||HQ ... Song By: Justice - "Civilization" please rate, comment, and subscribe if you want ...
Adidas Commercial feat Justice Civilization ... Mr.HYPEVIDS Present the new commercial video by Adidas Feat. Justice . SUBSCRIBE PLZ ! ;)
Justice - civilization EXCLUSIVE (without ... This is the adidas version without the screaming players. I edited the music just a little and i made ...