My name is Ai Kago. How did I get the name "Ai"? It is because it was hoped that I would be loved by all, and receive lots of affection. I love this name "Ai" that my dad and mom made for me. And for Kago, ai ["love"] makes me think of the love from my fans, the love from my family, and my love for singing songs.
And for Kago, "love" means holding hands forever with the one you love and always being in love with one another forever. This is Kago's idea of love. I'd like to have this kind of love when I become an adult!
And Kago's mission for the 21st century is to become an artist loved by all. And so that I can catch up to the senior members, I will become an Ai Kago who will be so much better at singing and dancing that it will really shock everyone.
Everyone, please expect the best! My best regards.