Leaning on a rope that's the worst kind of holiday Another melody line will take you miles away I recognise the noise and the feeling of the drunken sway I nearly fell down the stairs in the old fashioned way
I'm not saying I'm ready I'm not saying it's here But I haven't felt anything quite like this for a year That's saying something, saying something That's saying something, saying something I'm hard to please Yes I'm hard to please
And all that I could do was sit here watching you Another brilliant view it's only rhhythm a blue Despite of all the dangers I keep moving on It was a brilliant line but for a different song
I'm not saying I'd do it I'm not saying I won't But when you ?? always say that you do then you don't That's saying something, saying something That's saying something, saying something I'm hard to please Yes I'm hard to please
The fire in me still burns even through the snow The fire in me won't go out, no Because I'm a ?? hero Time that we leave all the weirdos