Javel, ja det var lenge si Kor har du vært? Koss var det der? Kva skal du bli? Eg hører veien var lang Gjennom støv og sand Så de tok deg for det din bror gjorde Eg gav de deg og de tok meg på ordet Ja, kva kan en sei Blodet renner tynt der hos dei
Du kan sei at eg har sett min andel av skyggesidens varehandel
Og du kan tru. Har du først begynt kan du ikkje snu Har du først fått smaken vil du ha meir Er ikkje rakettforskning heller For me har spelt med de kortå som var allerede delt Før var det trist, nå kan me le som i en gresk komedie
Det er tusen ting som me kan siktes for Det skal eg ikkje nekte for Men én ting eg har lært om paragrafer, Sir Det smarteste er å stryke på dør For ingen ser oss bak min datter Violeta Hu har et smil som kan smelte et kvert hjerta av stein Selektert frå den ypperste familiegrein! ____________ Английский перевод:
Greek comedy
Well, yes, long since we last met Where have you been? How was it there? What do you want to be? I hear the way was long Through dust and sand So they took you in for what your brother did I gave you to them, and they took me at my word Well, what can you say The blood is running thin there with them
You can say that I have seen my share of the dark side's commodity trade
And you can believe Once you've started you can't go back Once you've gotten the taste, you want more It's not rocket science either Because we played with the cards that had already been dealt It was sad before, now we can laugh like in a Greek comedy
There are a thousand things that we can be accused of I won't deny that But one thing I have learned about paragraphs, Sir The smartest thing is to get away Because no one can see us behind my daughter Violeta She has a smile that can melt every heart of stone Selected from the finest family branches!
Explanation: When Kenneth was 17, he and his three years older brother committed a robbery together. The robbery went according to plan, everything seemed to end happily for the brothers, when one day, the police suddenly barged in and arrested the big brother. It turned out that Kenneth had yielded to the temptation to brag about the accomplishments to buddies during one of his frequent bar rounds, which reached the police's ears. The investigators had no other specific traces to go by, and therefore they promised Kenneth full immunity if he 1. ratted on his brother 2. promised to stop drinking vodka 3. never ever met his brother again. In the end, young Kenneth succumbed to the pressure and told on his brother, who, in turn, went to jail and was sentenced to 14 years of imprisonment. Naturally enough, Kenneth was full of remorse for this, and kept secret contact with his brother through his brother's girlfriend Cecilia, who eventually introduced Kenneth to his girlfriend, Beatrice ...
When his brother many years later hears about Kenneth's disappearance and Violeta's increasing abilities, he starts to come up with a plan for the next coup, together with his brother; to sell Violeta on the market in Lahore, Pakistan, where he knows they will get a great price for a person with such abilities. Kenneth agrees to the proposal, because he owes his brother a favor, but also because his daughter is becoming more and more like her mother ...
So now the brothers are reunited, with a big plan on their hands. All the bad is forgiven and forgotten. It was sad before, now we can laugh!