Fathoming the majesty of matter in the blackness of massive galactic caverns with stalactic patterns while basking in raptures is fractally baffling, grasping that Baphomet is actually Adamu, galaxies rattling on the tail of the Cosmic Serpent, regale you with cause & purpose Like bars in verses from the farthest searches In forests nurturing awesome burgeons Aghori wordsmith with scores of horrid curses Born to reverse them like Benares hearths That flourish mirth & Moorish virtues Nourish Earth's jewels as gorgeous as birthed Buddhas In search of worthy blueprints to universal moods & senses Manjusri sutric penmanship Attentive like students mentally glued to the lessons tutored Stressless like blessed lectures rooted in a deathless exodus truthful Que otras cosas tan hermosas que mocha diosas puedo digar? (What other things as beautiful as mocha goddesses can I say?) como jardines flotantes de Nebuchadonozar (Like the floating gardens of Nebuchadnezzar) Antes de Marduk y gigantes en San Lazaro (Before Marduk and giants in San Lazaro) Y Diosas de Aztecas como Xochiquetzal y Cihuacoatl (& Aztec Goddesses like Xochiquetzal & Cihuacoatl) Que me digas, no barajo, (What are you telling me, don't repeat it/explain) Mira, eres un macho (Look [at yourself], you're a macho) No somos los mismos, soy un guerrero Apacho (We're not the same, I'm an Apache warrior) Comemo mambe y yage en mambeaderos (I chew mambe [dried coca leaves] & yage in mambe huts) Como Matrameru, soy un mezcla de Tara y Heru (Like Matrameru, I'm a mixture of Tara & Heru) Ser or no ser no es la pregunta, (“To be or not to be” is not the question) de verdad, no ser es Vaikuntha, (Truthfully, not to be [no self] is Vaikuntha) soy de la junta intergalactica (I'm from the intergalactic rebel council) mas antigua que la eswastika, crux gammada (More ancient than the swastika, broken cross) Brujo shamanika, tetragrammatica (Shamanic witch doctor, tetragrammatical) Mesmer con tacticas metamatematicas magicas(Mesmer with magical meta-mathematical tactics) La muerte no es tragica, (Death is not tragic) es santa buena suerte como mantras (It's holy and good luck like mantras) No escuchas propaganda y duda (Don't listen to propaganda & doubt) School the ghouls in your future Truly tutor the fools that dupe you & boost the juices in your supercomputers