Tui tui, tui tui tuomen kukka Hey ho, hey ho hagberry flower eipä tiijjä muamo rukka little does poor mother know missä lapsi lauleleepi where goes her child a-singing heliästi heitteleepi merrily a-swaying soriasti soitteleepi pleasantly a-playing kesolinnun kielosella with a tongue like summer bird’s talvirastahan tavalla in the manner of a winter thrush
Lennä kiuruna kivellä Flit between rocks as a skylark rastahana rauniolla as a thrush upon stones Voi miun ettonen emoni Oh, my dear kind mother sekä mairee mammoseni and my sweet mommy Tee miulle parempi paita Sew me a better shirt lyhyempi liinaviitta a shorter linen cape jottei kastu kasteessa as to not get wet in dew jottei kastu kastaessa to not get wet in water
Voi miun ettonen emoni Oh my dear kind mother sekä mairee mammoseni and my sweet mommy Osasit omenan tehhä You were an able apple maker taisit taimet kasvatella saplings you could grow et osannut istutella but knew not how to plant them Panit puille pyöriville Put me up on rolling trees varvuille vapiseville set me on shaking twigs Varpa varu, mie vapisin While the twig swayed, I shivered lehti liekku mie lepotin as the leaf rocked, I trembled puu kun pyöri mie putosin when the tree rolled I fell down
Mänin suolle sotkemahan I went to the marsh to dig pellolle pusertamahan there to work on the field Putos sormus sormestani A ring slipped off my finger saraperä peukalosta a trinket from my thumb
Mänin itkien kotihin I ran home crying Emo katso ikkunasta While looking out of the window emo lasten vastaeli asked the mother of the children mitäs itket tyttäreni why do you cry my daughter Sitä itken mie emoni This is why I cry dear mommy putos sormus sormestani a ring slipped off my finger saraperä peukalosta a trinket from my thumb
Voi miun ettonen emoni Oh my dear kind mother teki viisi tyttölasta gave birth to five girl children miut tek kurjan kuuenneksi the sixth she bore was miserable me Viisi vihkihin lähetti The five she sent off to their weddings miun kurjan kotihe heitti poor me she left at home punamarjan poimijaksi to become a redberry picker sinimarjan silpijäksi a blueberry gatherer vaapukan valitsijaksi a raspberry chooser
Poimin puoloja putinan I picked a kegful of cowberries va’in täyen vaapukkoja a heaping bowlful of raspberries