I am Cernunnos, I am Dianus, I Trismegistus, I Sol Invictus Father take this suffering, take this endless pain.
I am Cernunnos, I am Dianus, I Trismegistus, I Sol Invictus Father takes this small self and eclipse me in the sun
I am Cernunnos, I am Dianus, I Trismegistus, I Sol Invictus
Father take this suffering and emptiness, take this fragile self and hopelessness, take this endless pain and broken faith and burn them in the sun. Father take these broken wings and emptiness. Father take these wanderings and aimlessness. Father take this endless pain and broken faith, and eclipse them in the sun. Father I am brighter than this, move me in your golden light. Father from small beginnings, expand me like the sun.