Kazantip Republic / Real Alternative to Reality Sometimes you are so focused on your work that you take no notice how the Reality changes around you… You have that vague feeling but could never grasp what keeps you moving forward. Who or What gives you energy, guides and directs, encourages you?... It just cannot come by itself. Only silly and ignorant people attribute their achievements to themselves. You are just a part of the General Plan, a small tool, a PUPPET on a multibillion stage… WHO and why appoints the roles and gives you a chance to perform? And here you go in your fame and glory and everyone stares at you and waits for a Miracle. BUT under all circumstance, YOUR faith in the MIRACLE should be the biggest.
Work takes a considerable part in an average person’s life… In fact most of the people just sleep, eat and work. Someone kills the time, others survive and others live at their work without taking notice of the life around… And if you’ve done everything right then you are granted with a great chance to facilitate into the real life the things you’ve seen in YOUR DREAMS as well as your craziest ideas. The ideas that would shatter the stereotypes and thus change the lives of others.
If something that you do has no impact on the lives of others then you are f***ed up. Be ready to stand against the whole World if your idea worth it. Yes, sometimes even the most severe fighters run out of steam. Got a numb ass battling in the Web? Stand up from your trenches. Remember that your main weapon is your sense of humour that brings the right letters to your fingertips.
Do what you can do the best. No ideas? Then wait! Take your time – the ideas will snow at you from the skies as soon as you are ready for them to come. The Sky is always with you. And those who are there above do see everything and will give you everything in the right moment if you follow the right track.
It's difficult to change the world, but you can create your own one. Even your own small Galaxy. Pick up people, attract them, bring them into your orbit. Revolve, and the world will revolve around you.
Only lunatics are trusted to work on the craziest projects. Professionally organised insanity is quite a subtle matter. It’s almost magic. Maybe someday you will be also trusted to drive the human power. No it’s not the power that makes the lights shine to direct you when it’s dark. Not the one that helps you cook your borsch on the stove… But the power that makes people jump and shine from inside. Get out of your box and you will be given that knowledge. And your job will become a daily endless vacation out of routine earning for your living. Long for… discover yourself and the Real Alternative of the Reality AND DANCE...