From System Sunlinxx missed my flight, stuck in time, no liberty The terminal looks like a row of wired skin, dead circuitry But no need to stay and hide, much better it would be to see Cubic patterns, dancing squares, rolling hills and solar flares No escape, all isotrope when wind waves hit the maze Think of deepfreeze only option, come alive in better days Catch a capsule up a level, sleep better close to the clouds This is when the colors hit me RGB say it out loud
Civic Transit Transit Civic Transit Transit
Watch us walk high in the air, back to the place we came from No exit doors to tilt, we take down the horizon Tangled in with lights passed due, we travel along a new plane Passing actions at a distance, jaunting through we fold the earth All direction are the same, this visit's much too fast paced Every angle into one, some secrets have an aftertaste Civic Transit on my screen, a passenger void of control This is when the colors hit me RGB say it out loud
Civic Transit Transit Civic Transit Transit
Civic Transit Civic Transit
Da da da dah da da da dah da da Da da da dah da da da dah da da da dah Da da da dah da da da dah da da Da da da dah da da da dah da da da