You're the Word of God the Father From before the world began. Ev'ry star and ev'ry planet Has been fashioned by Your hand. All creation holds together By the power of Your voice. Let the skies declare Your glory; Let the land and seas rejoice!
CHORUS You're the Author of creation; You're the Lord of ev'ry man; And Your cry of love rings out across the lands.
Yet You left the gaze of angels, Came to seek and save the lost, And exchanged the joy of heaven For the anguish of a cross. With a prayer You fed the hungry; With a word You calmed the sea; Yet how silently You suffered That the guilty may go free!
With a shout You rose victorious, Wresting vict'ry from the grave, And ascended into heaven, Leading captives in Your way. Now You stand before the Father, Interceding for Your own; From each tribe and tongue and nation, You are leading sinners home!
Keith & Kristyn Getty - Across the Lands From KEITH AND KRISTYN GETTY LIVE AT THE GOSPEL COALITION available on ...
Across The Lands Across The Lands by Keith and Kristyn Getty. ... Come People of the Risen King ( with ...
Across the Lands "Keith and Kristyn Getty" The Touring Band is... Justin Hartman on Bass, Dustin Rohrer on ...
Keith & Kristyn Getty - Across The Lands This is a song written in 2002 by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend. Both are quite prolific ...
Across The Lands Music. "Across The Lands (Live)" by Keith & Kristyn Getty (Google Play • iTunes ...
Keith Getty - Across the Lands - piano arrangement ... First piano video in a while, this is a reference version of Across the Lands, written by Keith ...