Brothers take care of each other no matter going though fire or water. A group of loyal bandits scarify their lives to keep the gang vital. Killing with swords and knifes, it happens every night.
但從沒後悔 黑白通殺既體會 人生本來係遊戲 無必要玩得太攰
But (I) feel no regrets for swiping out both good guys and bad ones, since life is just a game which is not meant to be too tiresome.
有義氣知己相伴 加上威士忌 旁人既自卑與苦悶 都係佢自己攞黎
Having loyal brothers to accompany with, enjoying Whiskey, watching others suffering, they all come from my own hands.
擁有錢銀與女人 無人敢對望眼神 所有既名利其實都只係浮雲
Owning money and pussy, having no one dare to see me directly in the eye, I feel all the fame and wealth are just fleeting clouds.
凌駕於世人既方式 唔跟住旁人既足跡 係混亂世界生存既公式
Ruling over others, and not following their footsteps, are the formulas of surviving in this messy world.
唱:夜空浮星 還是孤身隻影 烈酒 落口 令我翻滚血液
The lady singing:Nightly sky, flying stars, and I am still lonely with my shadow. Stiff drinks make my blood boiling.
南北長街 野獸般的眼睛 拳風無眼 請我拼死一戰
Long streets throughout with bestial eyes, fists of rage (are waiting for me). Please let me fight till death.
黑幫既力量係地下面醞釀 做臥底要潛入唔可以咁張揚
Triad’s strength is growing underground. Being a undercover to infiltrate, one must stay low-key.
我接近賭博毒品女人殺生 染上毒癮得太狠 我係個罪人
I got involved with gambling, prostitution, drugs and killing. I did drugs so bad that I couldn’t get it off. I became a criminal myself.
所有既女人都可以同我同床共寢 但我不能愛上佢地每一個人
All the women could sleep with me but I couldn’t love each of them.
仇恨 罪行 鮮血染滿我雙手 哭成淚人 再拘禁我想走
Hatred, sins and the blood stained my hands, I cant' stop crying, after being arrested. How I wished I could be free.
邊個想成為下一個槍下亡魂 邊個會愛上我呢個神經病人
Who wants to become the next dead guy under a gun? Who will love a psychopath like me?
邊個叫做正義 邊個戰無不勝 太混亂 根本無邊個分得清
What is justice? Who always wins? It’s so complex that no one can tell.
一隻腳係監獄 一隻腳係地獄 亡命既旋律奏起 太多起伏
One of my feet is in the prison cell and the other is in the hell. The rhythm of death starts playing well.
踏上江湖 落賭注 你輸左幾局
Stepping into the underworld and making bets, how many times can you lose?
Starting from a tragedy and going right to the hell, it’s a game you can’t win.
唱:夜空浮星 還是孤身隻影 烈酒 落口 令我翻滚血液
The lady singing:Nightly sky, flying stars, and I am still lonely with my shadow. Stiff drinks make my blood boiling.
南北長街 野獸般的眼睛 拳風無眼 請我拼死一戰
Long streets throughout with bestial eyes, fists of rage (are waiting for me). Please let me fight till death.