In a room as cold as I am, Abed under arcanum, A rose in valerian, She wonders a faraway cry. Katherine raises her eyes Of moonshone lazuli, The voice of a lullaby, From her window, She extended her forsaken, sorrowed heart.
But every night, you're eternally scarce And I wonder if you ever were there. Fearless knight, what could I have done wrong? Where have you gone, my saviour?
When he to the village arrives, Was shunned by a passerby, To e'er walk the lowly line Until he wonders why? The weight of a sword in his hand; His purpose to amble lands, To master the barriers He encounters On his way to her, but it's a cold, unbounded comb.
But every night, you're eternally scarce And I wonder if you ever were there. Fearless night, what could I have done wrong? Where have you gone, my saviour?