I found you as you were before but your eyes were bound in stone threads of green magic flowing into your aura and soul could have stoped you right then and there but whatr I to say? that your friend was in love with you but got tired and walked away.
these words are those of a coward, his heart locked inside a tower raging sounds of nature shae with all thier power but I can't stray, can't stay running at your side us the fire within unleashed my empty cries
oh what is beauty if you don't spend the time to create what you can call mine what is beauty and generosity if you don't give it all your heart if there was nothing genuine to start.
Oh this is all my fault, why did I have to try. why couldn't I just accept my fate, lost in a web of lies. curse emulate my fears as I drift into the doubt for this was never meant to be, I was never meant to lead
just a fuck up lost in an empty pride can't reward myself for hosting this diguise failure after failure I cant take it any more seems like its time to give up
I finnally found my sanctuary made peace with the harm I caused you nothing could atone for my sins I need to love again no more will I wish to leave my friend.
rarity not all that's gilded is gold in my soul I want you why couldn't you just see all the jewels inside of me