I flip my katana so I can release my blade vertically. I rip threw alata cloths of shames by slashing perfectly your asking for mercy g it. I ain't gonna happen because the serpent sees the evil in me always laughing and I'm slashing straight outer passion no captions just rations to my satisfaction of my demented actions. I wear scented ashes of my foes after they die and as there sole passes I grab a hold. and take the light and when the cold masses establish a hold with strength.. and might I bestow clashes of evil and lengthy felsite so I'm born right.. I have sworn strife in the manner of disaster.. and torn lifes I have been informed thrice I tatter your brain matter before you can even count to 04 twice.. I don't ignore nice because it will mostly be an act your face implore lies.. so I look closely to see if its a trap to get me into a thor vice to be chocking bluntly.. its hard to relax but I found a pass and its my weapon that I can slash enemies in half to fast without digression.. so I attack and hack in seconds the clash is long to pass too many henchmen.. they can't match my class as a swords men.. I dash and a flash goes towards them there hoard is frozen.. then I go in for the kill some are grabbing there face some of there eyes were peeled.. there fates were all sealed the taste was in awe like eel my faceplate was a jaw from a needled enemy after I emended decapitation.. my youngest son was killed in the mongol invasion this equation brutally made me in to a cased man so I tend to use my evasion to sneak up intuitively.. and use penetration of my blade to concave your chest plate fluently you can't evade.. I will rest fate indubitably you submit when you commit hate seppuku irrationally to me.. you cowardly man is everlasting you flabbergasted being..
Verse>>>2 Kogeemo
真っ白いキャンバス・ 血も凍る寒さと言うか/氷点を下回る冬場/風雪を吹かし熱を冷ます歌/ 剣を持たぬ今の世は・口達者な者が増えて横暴/辻斬りの如き無抵抗者への執拗な弾圧と暴行/ 全てが繰り返す飽和と枯渇/競争から生まれる娯楽/又、ゲームを切望し繰り返す生殺与奪/ かつての幕末の様/学ぶ者と離れる者に別れ双方/古きを笑い、新しきばかりを持てはやす予兆/ 平和の下に集まろうが内部分裂/それが人の宿めと分別/好んで世話やき検閲/その習性に幻滅/ 宗教を隠れ蓑に道徳を壊し/常識だと言い枠組みに酔わし/右と左に分断する策に留まり/ 彼らの提言は粛清の練習であり/壁に耳あり障子に目あり/干渉したがる奴も無理に出張り/ 善ばかりを説く者/笑顔ばかりを振りまく者/辻褄の合わない者/それらが嘘を多く有している者/ 言葉や肌の色・育った環境/本能で見ればよく解る反動/人は全て同じである普遍なる事を堪能/ その上で心乱し、互い違いにさせる誘い/見極めて汚い/やり方を掌握する事が真の見境/ 相手の隠す本音を読み/次の一手を起こし/かかって来る者に/容赦を捨てて挑む・これぞ剣の奥義/ you can't avoid my sword, Ima Neckcutta Kila/becuz' like ya mind reader, / it's not judgment on the surface, seems to be mind mirror/ 剣の道は心の道也/言葉の剣・これ又然り/嫉妬と怒り/これを沈め読み取る事を常に誓い/ 時に… 芸術的・かつ華麗に暗殺する刺客/消し去る気配と気迫/気づけないお前の遅延さを睨む/ 敵の声帯のみを斬りつけ/首から血飛沫が噴出す秘儀ゆえ/木枯らしの様に泣く音がする虎落笛/ 口ばかり使う論者の死に相応しく/死するまで「自らの笛の音色を聞かせて逝かす」あぁこれぞ素晴らしく/