source of all I am and all that is / I turn to you / and know that you hear me / as I come from you / and you dwell in me too / every breath and beat i got from you / I’m you manifest / through and through / so hear me now / I’m ready to / surrender somehow / lucifer calling / the mother and son / I’m tired of being angry / and too weary to run / madly ironic / that only your love / was giving me space / to chose to rebel at all / forgive me / centuries I’ve rehearsed what to say / but things cool down along the way / oh the length we go / just to keep a grudge / though it poisons our soul / there were times I thought I was winning / I had them all spinning / spiralling down / oh so simple though / lucifer calling the father and son / I’m tired of being angry and / I long to come home / crazy ironic / that only your love / was giving me space / to chose to rebel at all / say how you want it / you’re all that I got / knowing I’m free / to suffer or not / forgive me /