Kutless - Promise of a lifetime (обещание всей жизни) I'm clinging to the promise of a lifetime. I hear the words you say, to never walk away from me and leave behind. The... | Текст песни
Promise of a lifetime (обещание всей жизни) I'm clinging to the promise of a lifetime. I hear the words you say, to never walk away from me and leave behind. The...
I have fallen to my knees As I sing a lullaby of pain I'm feeling broken in my melody As I sing to help the tears go away Then I remember the pledge you made to me
(Chorus) I know you're always there To hear my every prayer inside I'm clinging to The promise of a lifetime I hear the words you say To never walk away from me and leave behind The promise of a lifetime
Will you help me fall apart Pick me up, take me in your arms Find my way back from the storm And you show me how to grow through the change I still remember the pledge you made to me
(Chorus) I know you're always there To hear my every prayer inside I'm clinging to The promise of a lifetime I hear the words you say To never walk away from me and leave behind The promise of a lifetime
I am holding on to the hope I have inside With you I will stay through every day Putting my understanding aside I am comforted
(Chorus) To know you're always there To hear my every prayer inside I'm clinging to The promise of a lifetime I hear the words you say To never walk away from me and leave behind The promise of a lifetime
(Chorus) I know you're always there To hear my every prayer inside I'm clinging to The promise of a lifetime Looking back at me I know that you can see my heart is holding to The promise of a lifetime
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Kutless - Promise Of A Lifetime (Можно слушать бесконечно. Богато смыслом.) (0)
Jared Leto - Promise of a lifetime (обещание всей жизни) I'm clinging to the promise of a lifetime. I hear the words you say, to never walk away from me and leave behind. The... (0)
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