on the 2econd day of twelfth perigee my mate2prit gave two me two 2et2 of 2tair2 4ND 4 SC4L3M4T3 H4NG1NG FROM TH3 TR33 H3 H3 H3
:33 < on the third day of twelfth perig33 my matesprit gave to me :33 < thr33 sharp claws two 2et2 of 2tair2 4ND 4 SC4L3M4T3 H4NG1NG FROM TH3 TR33
On t)(e fourt)( day of Twelft)( Perigee my matesprit gave to me Four cuttlefis)( :33 < thr33 sharp claws two 2et2 of 2tair2 4ND 4 SC4L3M4T3 H4NG1NG FROM TH3 TR33
S1NG 1T, K4RK4T!
ON THE FIFTH DAY OF TWELFTH PERIGEE MY MATESPRIT GAVE TO ME FIVE FUCKASSES. TH4T W4S B34UT1FUL Four cuttlefis)( :33 < thr33 sharp claws two 2et2 of 2tair2 4ND 4 SC4L3M4T3 H4NG1NG FROM TH3 TR33 H3 H3 H3
On The Sixth Day Of Twelfth Perigee My Matesprit Gave To Me Six Revving Chainsaws FIVE FUCKASSES. Four cuttlefis)( :33 < meow meow meow two 2et2 of 2tair2 4ND 4 SC4L3M4T3 H4NG1NG FROM TH3 TR33
oN THE SEVENTH DAY OF TWELFTH PERIGEE, mY MATESPRIT GAVE TO ME, uHH,, SEVEN PARAPLEGICS Six Revving Chainsaws FIVE FUCKASSES. Four cuttlefis)( :33 < thr33 sharp claws two 2et2 of 2tair2 4ND 4 SC4L3M4T3 H4NG1NG FROM TH3 TR33
On the 8th day of Twelfth Perigee my m8sprit gave to me 8 spiders spinning! sEVEN PARAPLEGICS Six Revving Chainsaws FIVE FUCKASSES. Glub glub glub glub glub :33 < thr33 sharp claws two 2et2 of 2tair2 4ND 4 SC4L3M4T3 H4NG1NG FROM TH3 TR33
On ThE nInTh DaY oF tWeLfTh PeRiGeE mY mAtEsPrIt GaVe To Me NiNe CaNs Of FaYgO 8 spinning spiders sEVEN PARAPLEGICS Six Revving Chainsaws FIVE FUCKASSES. Four cuttlefis)( :33 < thr33 sharp claws two 2et2 of 2tair2 4ND 4 SC4L3M4T3 H4NG1NG FROM TH3 TR33 H3 H3 H3
on the tenth day of twwelfth perigee my matesprit gavve to me ten empty buckets NiNe CaNs Of FaYgO 8 spiders spinning sEVEN PARAPLEGICS Six Revving Chainsaws CAN WE STOP YET. NOP3! H3 H3 H3 Four cuttlefis)( :33 < thr33 sharp claws two 2et2 of 2tair2 4ND 4 SC4L3M4T3 H4NG1NG FROM TH3 TR33
0n the eleventh day 0f twelfth perigee my matesprit gave t0 me [BEEP] eleven fr0gs a-leaping ten empty... [SNIFFS] [STARTS CRYING] NiNe CaNs Of FaYgO 8 spiders spinning sEVEN PARAPLEGICS Six Revving Chainsaws TEREZI YOU SUCK. Four cuttlefis)( :33 < thr33 sharp claws two 2et2 of 2tair2 4ND 4 SC4L3M4T3 H4NG1NG FROM TH3 TR33
ON3 MOR3 T1M3!
D --> On the twelfth day of twelfth perigee my matesprit gave to me D --> Twelve RIPPLING hoofbeasts eleven fr0gs a-leaping [FURTHER CRYING] HeY mAn, ArE yOu Ok? Eridan. Oh. My. God. uHH, WHAT'S GOING ON? I Have Got This [CHAINSAW SOUNDS AND ERIDAN SCREAMING] SHUT THE FUCK UP. O)(! O)( my glub! :33 < thank you, kanaya! 2erve2 the a22hole right ALL: And a scalemate hanging from the tree!