Nu vreau masina sa ma sparg in figuri Vreau cheile de la garaj si chitari si spun Ca mi-am propus s-aduc in viata voastra muzica Si mai vreau, cat vezi cu ochii fani cu mainile sus Si mii de difuzoare toate date la refuz Sar de pe scena peste-o mare de lumini si zbor.
And we'll spread the fun from the dawn to the morning Yeah, we'll shout loud enough for the glory.
Chorus: Yooooooooooo, Just come and go with the Flooooooow You'll learn to never say Nooooooooo To the love we’re sharing yeah Now break your chains Beat the sun by glaring Yooooooooooo, Just come and go with the Flooooooow You'll learn to never say Nooooooooo To the love we’re sharing yeah Now break your chains Beat the sun by glaring now
Now....oh yeah, stage of joy, Oh the stage of joooooooy yeah yeah yeah yeah, aw!
Vreau sa-ti zambesc dintr-o revista sau ziar Sa ma trezesc pe-o scena ce oras sa n-am habar Vreau sa ma suni sa-mi spui ca piesa mea-i la radio.
Caci eu vad, maini ridicate ma filmeaza-n telefon Iar viata mea e acum legata doar de-un microfon Asa c-adu-ti prietenii sa ne dïstram.