Let's go, children of the fatherland, Our day of glory has arrived. Against us Tyranny Has raised its bloody flag.
Allons enfants de la Patrie, Le jour de gloire est arrive! Contre nous de la tyrannie L'etendard sanglant est leve!
Do you hear it in the fields And on the streets, The howling of the savage force? They come right into our house To cut the throat of our mother.
Amour sacre de la Patrie, Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs! Liberte, Liberte cherie, Combats avec tes defenseurs!
Traitors, criminals, delinquents, slaves, What do they want - these foreign hordes? Why do they carry chains, Molotovs, iron stakes And all their weapons? Is it really us they dare to touch? Do they want to be US so much?
Listen to the sound on the streets And in the ghetto, listen! Listen to these mercenaries, Stone-throwers, pyromaniacs, listen! Un-named barbarians, traitors, The rabble, listen! Listen to the roaring Of this fearsome force, listen! Under their flag of Victory and Freedom! It's never too late Let's go!