E prea devreme sau e prea tarziu ? Vremea a trecut si prea putine stiu, Enigma mea. Sunt ca un vapor pierdut in larg. Mi-e teama ca n-ajung , niciodata la mal.
Refren. De ce vrei sa ma vezi ratacind printre stazi, Ca un vagabond? De ce vrei sa imi iei visele si sa pleci, Chiar nu-ti pasa deloc ? Sunt doar un om , un visator ,sunt doar un om, ooo,ce te iubeste enorm.
Ca strigi in zadar vreodata ai simtit? Te scuturi de praf si-ncepi sa te ridici. Vrei doar sa mergi. Nimic din ce-a fost nu va mai fi Prezentul e trecut , presarat cu amintiri.
Is it too early or is it too late? Time has passed & too few I know My puzzle I'm like a ship lost in open sea I'm scared I'll never reach the shore
Refren. Why do you want to see me wandering amongst streets like a vagabond? Why do you want to take my dreams & leave Don;t you even care at all? I'm just a man, a dreamer, I'm just a man that loves you very much
Did you ever feel what you screamed in vain? You dust yourself off & begin to get up You only want to go Nothing from what was will no longer be The present is past, scattered with memories