im sorry for the love im sorry for the pain im sorry for the words i dont remeber sayin the misery and shame, but i wil make it up to you, i pray that you believe in me i hope you understand i lost control i acted like a fool, betrayed your trust in me, how could i be so cruel im sorry for the pain and im sorry for the love you will be a part of me...
Kuplet 1:
pasmurnoe utro, zemlya okutana tumanom vospominania na menya kaplyami s nebes eto utro bol' - bol' bez tebya ryadom moi oshibki i slova na pererez
mechtam planam nashim, lubvi za vzgladom kajdim priznan'yam posle kajdovo zvonka kto mne teper pokajet, rasvet volshebnih skazek kak eto mogut lish odni tvoi glaza
shag za shagom sekunda za sekundoi po goldenu hoju krugami slovno bezumni snegom dojd, otchayan'em vina vse na svoi mesta, mimo tvoego okna
slovno ten proskolzivayu tiho ne znayu libo prosto nehochu idti ya drugoi tropoi nogi ne polsushnie, cveti uje bezdushnie chto ti tak ravnodushno razdavila zahodya domoi
prosti menya za lubov prosti menya za bol' koroleva serdca prosti za to chto ne korol' no ya mogu bit luchshe, esli serdce vverish eshe odin raz, prosti za to chto mne ne verish ti seichas no ya gotov na vse eshe odin shans eshe ne vse resheno prosti menya za bol', i za lubov prosti dlya menya net nikovo blije i vajnee chem ti
Kuplet 2:
when you close ur eyes tell me what you see girl those fifteen minutes or do you see the world that we can have that i can give if you only have the power to forgive me
i can go on without the light and i can be strong with pain as my life but never will i be a man like i can be with you you will always be my soul, whatever i do
do you know that, never have i had a friend a lover that would always bring me back that wouldnt be afraid to tell me her dreams never did i think i could cause your tears girl
let my soul burn, i know i've learned my lessons to the last letter, i know i will be better be everything that you deserve our love is road of light and this is just a curve
im sorry for the love im sorry for the pain im sorry for the words i dont remeber sayin the misery and shame, but i wil make it up to you, i pray that you believe in me i hope you understand i lost control i acted like a fool, betrayed your trust in me, how could i be so cruel im sorry for the pain and im sorry for the love you will be a part of me...
Kuplet 3:
zamirayu kajdi raz kogda prihodit sms podnimaya trubku ya mol'yus chto eto ti oshushaya na plechah neimoverni ves snejinkami prinesennovo chustva vini
ya znayu tebe bolno, za eto mne vdvoine bolnei ya ne vprave bil postupat tak kak postupil ya goryu ya zajat mejdu pilayushih tenei pitayas zaslujit proshen'e iz poslednih sil
dva kolca simvol beskonechnosti no odno ono ne znachit nichevo bez tebya ya v cherno-beloi ploskosti a kogda mi vmeste mne na vse po...
ti opat daleko, uje ne v moih silah vzglanut v tvoi glaza i prosheptat lublyu chtob prostit nadeyus ti naidesh v sebe sili nu a ya veryu jdu...