I remember when we went bot The first time And found u couldn`t last hit Worth a **** Because like, U didn`t buy boots 1, and 3 health pots. Instead you try to AD Ahri... WHAT??? Then u say that this time u`ll support. JK Cause u decide bot to buy any wards. F**k me! AP Lulu starting with a Doran`s I say: "SHIELD ME!" "No, can`t do, cause I started with my Q"
Chorus: oooooooooo, u invited me again to play last night but oooooooooo, this ti,e. i`m telling u, i`m telling u WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER, GONNA LANE TOGETHER WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER, GONNA LANE TOGETHER u GO FEED IN U`R LANE FEED IN MY LANE FEED THEIR TEEM BUT WEEEEE ARE NEVER EVER EVER EVER GONNA LANE TOGETHER! Like... ever.
I`m really going to miss u withing ults And u Saying that it`s really not your fault Who knew Using Ez and Ashe would so hard? I mean... "a Feet from me is still REALLY fart!"
*chorus* You... SUCK!
I used to think i could Endeavor-evor-evor I and used to say: "She can`t suck forever..."
Eric: "Are yuou s****y me?! GOD AND I THOUGHT WE WE GOING TO HAVE GOOD GAME...." Sandy: "B-but I got Kat..." Eric: "Yes, its very noce that u got Kat. =\"