Oh how beautiful are the wide open spaces on top of land -Ya ma ahla el fos-ha ya ene ala ras el br As the moon shines on the waves of the sea -wel amaaar nawwar ene ene ene ala mowj ala mowj el bahr
Oh how beautiful are the wide open spaces on top of land -Ya ma ahla el fos-ha ya eeene ala ras el br As the moon shines on the waves of the sea -wel amaaar nawwar ene ene ene ala mowj ala mowj el bahr
He said to me, "come, you whose always on my mind" -qali taali , ya shaghla bali . He said to me, "come, you whose always on my mind" -qali taali , ya shaghla bali . "Be the one for me forever and always" -koni halali ala tol el omr. As the moon shines on the waves of the sea -wel amaaar nawwar ene ene ene ala mowj ala mowj el bahr
Oh how beautiful are the wide open spaces on top of land -Ya ma ahla el fos-ha ya ene ala ras el br As the moon shines on the waves of the sea -wel amaaar nawwar ene ene ene ala mowj ala mowj el bahr
My origin is love, a laugh and playfulness -asle el mahaba , dehka we le'aba My origin is love, a laugh and playfulness -asle el mahaba , dehka we le'aba May we be in each other's company forever and always khalena sohba ya ene ala tol el omr As the moon shines on the waves of the sea -wel amaaar nawwar ene ene ene ala mowj ala mowj el bahr