Take me, make me, mould me, fold me, shape my body; You could improve me, rebuild-anew me, heat up or cool me, But don't forget to wake me in time.... You know I had a lot on my mind; These tired old eyes await a surprise; I wonder what the future will bring...
Fix me, mix me, rearrange me, change my body; Make it so pretty, they can't resist me, queue up to kiss me, But don't forget to wake me in time... You know I got to be first in line; This sensitive child is changing her style; The ugly duck is starting to smile...
Open up your eyes; You Sleeping Beauties must arise... You're shaping up just fine, So climb inside a brand new life...
This twilight seems like an eternity... The changes I go through are hurting me... Do we become what we deserve to be?
Open up your eyes; You Sleeping Beauties must arise... You're shaping up just fine, So climb inside a brand new life... Open up your eyes; You Sleeping Beauties must arise... You're shaping up just fine, So climb inside a brand new life...