"Greensleeves" ? Oh I haven't sung that for about 300 years. I used to sing that when I was a troubadour in the south of France. My name was Artaud. I used to walk on those dusty roads singing Greensleeves. I haven't sung that for a long time. Please also don't ask me for "Don't pass me by" because I only ever did that once.
This is a curious song that I wrote three or four years...no it must be about a thousand years ago, but I haven't learned the words yet. I wrote it on the road, it's kind of irreverent, but you're not very religious in this part of the country anyway, so I doubt if it would offend anybody. Anyway, this is the "Blues by the Jews", here it is...
My name is Billy Sunday I speak in the name of God. They call me Billy Sunday I speak in the name of God And God is always angry Just in case you think He's not He's angry at your body For reasons that are His He doesn't like your body According to reasons that are only His I'd like you to know He's very very angry But that's just the way He is He's angry at the spirit That is turned away from Him He's angry at the spirit That's turned away from Him If He ever gets His Hands on it He's gonna tear it limb from limb
They call me Billy Sunday I speak in the name of God They call me Billy Sunday I speak in the name of God And God is always angry Just in case you think He's not
He's angry at the universe He drives him up the wall I could say for a fact He's not pleased with this universe He drives him up the wall He's sorry that He ever thought of you and me at all
He¹s angry when you're dying And He's angry when you're dead And you're always one or the other He¹s angry when you¹re dying And He's angry when you¹re dead And He's furious at me For everything I've ever said If you feel His anger some night Let's say in a Motel room at three a.m. If you feel His awesome anger In your Hotel room let's say at three a.m. It turns out that He's still very angry That you took so long to be afraid of Him
They call me Billy Sunday I speak in the name of God They call me Billy Sunday I speak in the name of God I came here to tell you that God is always angry Just in case you think He's not
If you fall asleep some night Which everybody does If you have the nerve to go to sleep one tired night Which most everybody does And you happen to have some silly dream To Him it's very serious. And if some lonely night you ask yourself Where all the pretty girls are gone ? Some night you're gonna ask yourself where where Where are those pretty girls gone Then He blows away the little scraps of paper That they write their names and numbers on Then you find that you get down on your knees And you want to renounce for all time a woman's sweet caress You have some vocation that makes you kneel down And renounce for eternity a woman's sweet caress Then He causes you do touch yourself As soon as you undress
They call me Billy Sunday I speak in the name of God They call me Billy Sunday I speak in the name of God And God is always angry Just in case you think He's not