L is a branch of Ling-s studying Ws or the Voc of the Lang. Acc. to Arnold, L is the part of Ling-s dealing with the Voc. of the Lang & the properties of Ws as the main units of the Lang. | The term L was introduced in the Fr. Encyclopedia by D. Didro & J.L.d’Alamber in 1775. The term L is composed of 2 Grk Mg morphemes - lexis (W, phrase) & logos (science). Thus, the term L literally means a department of knowledge studying W or the science of Ws. The W is the subject matter of L. All the Ws in the Lang make up what is generally called the Voc of the Lang. The Eng Voc is the total sum of all the Ws in the Eng Lang. | The basic task of Ling-s is the study & systematic description of Voc in respect to its original development & current use. | Destinction is genereally made <> gen. & spec. L. | GenL is a part of GenLing-s. GL is the general study of Ws & the Voc irrespective of the specific features of any particular Lang. SpecL is the L of a particular Lang. It’s the study & description of the Voc of a given Lang. EngL is SpecL dealing with the Eng Voc. There are 2 principal approaches to the study of any Lang: namely, the diachr. (historical) appr. (dia(through)+chronos(time)) & the syncr. (descriptive) appr. (syn(together,with)).The distinction <> the sync & diachr appr-s is due to the Swiss philologist Ferdinand de Saussure. Thus the destinction is made <> histL & etymology & descrL. HistL studies the Voc as a system in its evolution. It describes the origin of Ws in their change & development in the course of time. DescL studies the Voc in its sync aspect, that is at a given stage of its development. The diac & sync appr-s should not be sontrasted as in fact they are interconnected viewing of 1 & the same phenomenon from different angles (e.g. treated dicr-ly the W “friendship” is a compound one. But sync it’s a derivative as the element “ship” has lost its status of a root Meme & is considered to be a suffix now). ComparativeL studies the Voc of closely related Lang-s from the (.) of their typical identity or differentiation. ContrastiveL is a new type of studies aimed at establishing facts of similarities & differences <> Voc-s of both related & unrelated Lang-s. The theor. value of L is determined by its obj-matter - Voc of Lang which forms one of 3 main aspects of Lang. The other 2 aspects of Lang are its grammatical & sound systems. One of the key questions in Ling & philosophy, the relation <> the name & the thing-named is studied within semaciology & onomaciology (parts of L dealing with the Mg of the W). L came into being to meet the needs of many different branches of applied Ling, namely: Lexicography, standardization of terminology, information retrieval (поиск), machine translation, literature criticism, the study of profess-l jargons, SP therapy, foreign lang teaching. Lexicography deals with compiling & describing dictionaries. The prac. value of L is obvios. The pr. value of L in teaching foreign lang-s that it helps to stimulate a systematic approach to the facts of the Voc & expose the pecularities of the Ws of a foreign lang-s in comparacing with the Ws of the native tongue. The choice of methods of teaching is largely dependant upon the typological features of the native & foreign lang-s & thei Voc sys-s.