red spots rolled sleeves come to uncle - buy forcemeat pink corpse broken bones maybe it was your neighbours?
crimson flows're behind a door splendid stuff hangs on a wall skill up blades stuck bodies full of swarming grubs
one two three four heart is beating on a floor five six seven eight death is not reason to afraid nine ten - who explain? savage pleasure from a pain dull ache - smothering take your promised misery
we all like to taste our fierce mean lust
see my fuckin murderface ....devour
crimson flows behind a door splendid stuff hangs on a wall steel death - next pray beef injection into veins ... flesh to flesh, soul to soul, fear to lust - and this is all
come to uncle - buy forcemeat use the pain to childrens feed skill up - blades stuck bodies full of swarming grubs
red spots rolled sleeves come to uncle - buy forcemeat pink corpse broken bones maybe it was your neighbours?
we all like to taste our fierce mean lust we all like to devour another life.. ...we all like