How much time Have we spent with our feelings unclear? No matter how close we get, I feel like I haven't told you anything.
The more your kind fingertips gently touch me, The more painful it has become, why is that? Whatever, Just tell me already.
Stay by me more, Without deceiving me; Accept these tears I've cried, Look at me, all I want you to know \"now\" Is the real me, loving you. Say goodbye to the liar couple of yesterday.
I tried to imagine That we were \"walking next to each other\", But my smile in the situation I force was
Not cute at all, So I threw that thought away quietly. Please accept my real heart And let me hear only your reality. I don't need anything else; because of you, I want to find what's most important.
These mistake-riddled days Weren't for nothing, I'm sure, right? That's why I want to tell you everything. Without hiding my words,
Stay by me more, Without deceiving me; Take these tears I've cried, Look at me, all I want you to know \"now\" Is the real me, loving you. Say goodbye to the liar couple of yesterday.