Okay. This song is dedicated to all the motherfuckin fools who think that I...
Strict soldier, prick told them Feel older then now I know That everybody lies, everybody lies Girl, don't believe em They wanna hear you Cry when they have your Naked body, why? You don't know their pcychological Its like I'm on fortune out Still what you cut around Stick in it cause I know what they wanna now I don't know how I will get your second chance Heey, second chance I'm changed for you
Walls go around now, its just a down town Girl wanna cry, why? Its just a down town World gone mad at all, its just a down town Down town
Guy get gun and chicka chicka bow bow What you wanna now? What you wanna know? What they got a hard Feeling when you high Whoa, this story remind the Under Storn of Tony He's already back pack my motherfuckin best friend Oh oh get a cash and write this album for the fan For the fan I remember how you take it over lane Beat it for you and other plan I