She was just a small town girl with worldly believes Who expected more from live than her parents received Then she met this handsome guy who lived her fantasy life It didn't take long before he called her his wife
He took her to his home in the city Where everything was pretty She was happy about her dreams coming true But if she only knew He was a master of disguise She didn't see... his lying eyes
One day he took her to this house of ill repute Where he made her work in her birthday suit She tried to make a run but he beat her around Warned her not to scream, not to make any sound
He locked her in their home in the city Life wasn't so pretty She longed back to her small town life That she wasn't his wife Wished that she could re-roll the dice And would have noticed... his lying eyes
Lying eyes – his lying eyes Lying eyes – his lying eyes
Most bedtime stories have a happy end And so does this one to a certain extend One day she managed to obtain a kitchen knife Stabbed him through the heart, thus ending his life
Then she got out of the city Back home where it was pretty And when arrested for her crime She didn't mind doing time She felt free much to her own surprise No longer sees... his lying eyes She no longer sees his lying eyes