once I was in love with you you made my dreams really so true it was a burning fire between you and me
. and nothing could extinguish it So fast That time has passed days are gone one doesn't want to be alone it s wrong to stay again to stop the wind OF emotions harmony
you and me must to be every body now does not mean my sun is shine my moon in hight but we're far apart and misic light
I remember crazy dances in the middle of night iT's easy to be near u, we were going to fly city smoke we hid in the murk of the evening you didn't want to think but just belive It was beutiful time but it 's so long we were together some yers ago we have't felt before the end of the relationship some times i think a lot about it A cup of tea , night talk ...friends the party moving on the road songs piano guitar our dreams sigar Smoke mORNING cofe moon in the night do you see misic soul,discs cd no was it HARMONE boredom