11. Batska, Batska (Raysn: The Music of Jewish Belarus 2014)
Bats’ka, bats’ka, bats’ka, bats’ka, Vybuduy ty nam nashu khatku Vykupi ty nam nashu matku. Byaz khatki nya budzem, Byaz matki zabludzim. Auromulyu, Auromulyu, Starushak ty nash.
Chamu zha vy nya khodzitsie? Chamu zha vy nya prositsie? Chamu zha vy nya molitsiesia Bohu za nas?
Kab zha nas asvabadzili, Da iz Golas vyvadzili, Leyartseynu pravadzili, Leyartseynu…
Entfert men im fun eybn:
Nya plach, synok, synok, synok, Nya kroy svayo sertsa, sertsa, Budzie khatka vystrayena, Budzie matka vykupliena. Chakay kantsa, veynemar lefonav Shiro khadasho, halleluyo. Hallelu, hallelu, halleluyo.
Father, Father, Father, Father, Rebuild our house for us, Redeem our mother for us. We will not be (exist) without the house, We will go astray without our mother. Abraham dear, oh Abraham, You are our grandpa.
Why aren’t you going around? Why aren’t you reaching out? Why aren’t you praying to God for us?
So that we would be set free, So that we would get our of exile, So that someone would take us to our land, Our land.
They answer him from high above: Don’t cry, son, son, son, Don’t tear your heart, The house will be rebuilt, The mother will be redeemed. Wait for the end, and you shall sing in His presence A new song. Hallelujah! Praise, praise, praise the Lord (Hallelujah!)