Stella splendens in monte ut solis radium miraculis serrato exaudi populum.
Concurrunt universi gaudentes populi divites et egeni grandes et parvuli ipsum ingrediuntur ut cernunt oculi et inde revertuntur gracijis repleti.
Principes et magnates extirpe regia saeculi potestates obtenta venia peccaminum proclamant tundentes pectora poplite flexo clamant hic: Ave Maria.
Prelati et barones comites incliti religiosi omnes atque presbyteri milites mercatores cives marinari burgenses piscatores praemiantur ibi.
Rustici aratores nec non notarii advocati scultores cuncti ligni fabri sartores et sutores nec non lanifici artifices et omnes gratulantur ibi.
Reginae comitissae illustres dominae potentes et ancillae juvenes parvulae virgines et antiquae pariter viduae conscendunt et hunc montem et religiosae.
Coetus hic aggregantur hic ut exhibeant vota regratiantur ut ipsa et reddant aulam istam ditantes hoc cuncti videant jocalibus ornantes soluti redeant.
Cuncti ergo precantes sexus utriusque mentes nostras mundantes oremus devote virginem gloriosam matrem clementiae in coelis gratiosam sentiamus vere.
Перевод: Oh, star that shines over the mountain enlighted by miracles, Like a ray of sunlight, heed the prayers of thy people.
All people hasten together, joyfully, rich and poor, great and humble, climb the mountain to see with their own eyes and descend again filled of thy grace.
Princes and the mighty men of royalty, those who have worldly power, once their sins are forgiven, proclaim it, striking their breasts, and 'tis here on bended knees they cry out "Ave Maria".
Prelates and barons, illustrious counts, all the monks and all the prieses, soldiers, merchants, citizens, sailors, burgeois, fishermen, all render thanks here.
Countryfolk, plough and notaries too, lawyers, sculptos, all the carpenters, weeders, dressmakers and spinners too, all artisans give thanks here.
Queens, contesses, illustrious ladies, the powerful and the servants, young and humble, maidens and old women and also widows and nuns as well climb this mountain.
There crowds assemble here to make their requests, rendering their thanks and dulfil their vows. They people this courtyard. Led all behold this sight, adorn it with their you and leave here forgiven.
The one and all, of both sexes, purifying our souls in prayer, let us pray with devotion to the glorious Virgin, the merciful Mother. May we see her in Heaven, she who truly is full of grace.