Ешь! is the only word I know that suits me well 'So now the next' thats all that I can tell... Now will you please take your Arakin far away, And open Saakyan on page that's on display
The complex object was explained to you by me, So now the excercise will start, Oleg begin! Ешь! That is correct so now the next угу-угу... No I'm afraid that it that case you're a bit wrong... Oh, Zotova, please let me use your angry glance... And run my Grammar through the brains of the students...
Ешь! There's a demon inside me who came from hell And he turned my eyes from mind, and all I know 'Put down your home assignment'I'm afraid to tell... Without my brain inside I'm just a funny shell!
That awful evil of your dean I know so well, For grammar book I know I'd give my soul to sell... Ешь! That woman-fake is there a soul beneath her skin And oh she likes the pain of all our student sin... Oh, Zotova, please seise you anger for today And stop your stream of evil words towards the students...
Ешь! Even though her eyes seem to lead us to hell... She may destroy, destroy the brains without a fail. But when she speaks a sickness come no man can quell... Beneath her awful colored suit - a secret well...
I promised not to speak to anyone of this... But down that well there is a library of sins! Who, would be the fool to go to her for academ... After such question Zotova will eat him whole! Oh dear dean, they are the men... who know no cash... They go to earn some money... just to stay students...
An afwul wish to concentrate will never come... And it's no use to hide the sense of Zotova... Ешь! Who'd be the first to raise his hand and hit that pig! I'd hug him lovely and sure I won't be alone... Oh, Zotova, please let them be, with Saakyan... And study grammar through and out... poor students...